Articles publiés et acceptés dans des
revues avec comité de lecture/Accepted and published articles
- Goga, C. and Ruiz-Gazen, A. (2023). Comments
on “Jean-Claude Deville’s contributions to survey theory and
official statistics”. Jean-Claude Deville : Mathematics lover,
high-flying researcher, and visionary, Survey
Methodology/Techniques d’enquêtes, 49, 321-337.
- Medous, E., Goga, C., Ruiz-Gazen, A., Beaumont, J.-F., Dessertaine,
A. and Puech, P. (2023). QR
Prediction for Statistical Data Integration, Survey Methodology/Techniques
d'enquêtes, 49, 385-410.
- Goga, C. (2023). Book
review : Sampling : Design and Analysis, Third Edition by Sharon
L. Lohr”, The Survey Statistician, 88,
- Medous, E., Goga, C., Ruiz-Gazen, A., Beaumont, J.-F., Dessertaine,
A. and Puech, P. (2023). Many-to-one
indirect sampling with application to the French postal traffic
estimation, Annals
of Applied Statistics, 17 (1), 838-859.
- Dagdoug, M., Goga, C. and Haziza, D. (2023). Model-assisted
estimation in a high-dimensional settings for survey data, Journal
of Applied Statistics, Special Issue "Statistical Approaches for Big
Data and Machine Learning", 50(3), 761-785 (version
préliminaire sur arXiv).
- Dagdoug, M., Goga, C. and Haziza, D. (2023). Model-assisted
estimation through random forests in finite population sampling,
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 118 (542),
1234-1251 (version
préliminaire sur arXiv).
- Dagdoug, M., Goga, C. and Haziza, D. (2023). Imputation procedures
in surveys using nonparametric and machine learning methods: an
empirical comparison, Journal of Survey Statistics and
Methodology, 11(1), 141-188 (version
préliminaire sur arXiv).
- Chauvet, G. and Goga, C. (2022). Asymptotic efficiency of the
calibration estimator in a high-dimensional setting, Journal of
Statistical Planning and Inference, 217, 177-187.
- Spychala, C., Armand, J., Dombry, C. and Goga, C. (2021).
Multivariate Statistical Analysis for Exploring Road Crash Related
Factors in the Franche-Comté region of France, Communications in
Statistics – Case Studies and Data Analysis, 7, 442–474 (version
préliminaire sur Hal).
- Cardot, H., De Moliner, A. and Goga, C. (2020). Robust estimation of
the total electricity load curve by sampling in a finite population, Journal
of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 8, 453-482 (version
préliminaire sur arXiv).
- Goga, C. and Ruiz-Gazen, A. (2019), “Improving the estimation of the
odds ratio in sampling surveys using auxiliary information”. Annales
de l’I.S.U.P., 63, 143-155.
- Cardot, H., De Moliner, A. and Goga, C. (2019). Estimation of total
electricity consumption curves by sampling in a finite population when
some trajectories are partially unobserved, Canadian Journal of
Statistics (Numéro spécial dédié au programme CANSSI),
47, 65-89.
- De Moliner, A. and Goga, C. (2018). Sample-based
estimation of mean electricity consumption curves for small domains,
Survey Methodology/Techniques d'enquêtes (numéro spécial dédié au
9ème Colloque Francophone sur les Sondages), 44, 2, 193-214.
- Chauvet, G. and Goga, C. (2018). Linearisation
versus bootstrap for variance estimation of the change between Gini
indexes, Survey Methodology/Techniques d'enquêtes, 44,
1, 17-42.
- Goga, C. (2018). A
brief overview of survey sampling techniques with R,
Romanian Statistical Review, 1,
- Goga, C. et Ardilly, P. (2017). Présentation
du Challenge Graines de Sondeur, Enseignement de la
Statistique, vol. 8, 2, 103-111.
- Cardot, H., Goga, C. and Shehzad, M.-A. (2017). Calibration and
Partial Calibration on Principal Components when the Number of
Auxiliary Variables is Large. Statistica
Sinica, 27, 243-260.
- De Moliner, A., Goga, C. and Cardot, H. (2016). Estimation of total
electricity consumption curves of small areas by sampling in a finite
population. Compstat 2016, Eds Colubi, A., Blanco, A. and Gatu, C.,
- Cardot, H., De Moliner, A. and Goga, C. (2015). Estimating with
kernel smoothers the mean of functional data in a finite population
setting. A note on variance estimation of partially observed
trajectories, Statistics and
Probability Letters, 99, 156-166.
- Goga, C. and Shehzad, M.-A. (2014). A note on partially penalized
calibration, Pakistan Journal of
Statistics, 30(4), 429-438.
- Cardot, H., Dessertaine, A., Goga, C., Josserand, E. et Lardin, P.
(2013). Comparaison
différents plans de sondage et construction de bandes de confiance
pour l’estimation de la moyenne de données fonctionnelles : une
illustration sur la consommation électrique,
Survey Methodology, 39, 283-301.
- Goga, C. (1999). O generalizare a
modelului statistic al lui Franklin (in Romanian). Mathematical
Reports, Vol 1(51), 211-226.
de livres/Book Chapters
- Goga, C. (2021). B-spline estimation in a survey sampling framework,
In Daouia, A. and Ruiz-Gazen, A., editors, Advances in
Contemporary Statistics and Econometrics, Festschrift in Honor of
Christine Thomas-Agnan, Springer, 79–99.
- Goga, C. and Ruiz-Gazen, A. (2017). “Statistiques sur les données,
exhaustivité et échantillonnage” in Big data à découvert, Mokrane
Bouzeghoub et Rémy Mosseri (eds), chez CNRS éditions Paris, pp.
- Chauvet, G., Goga, C. et Ruiz-Gazen, A. (2008). Estimation de
variance en présence de deux échantillons : linéarisation et
bootstrap. In "Méthodes de sondages."
Guibert, P., Haziza, D., Ruiz-Gazen, A. and Tillé, Y. (eds.), Dunod,
Sciences Sup, Paris 2008, pp. 369-374.
- Deville, J.C, Goga, C. (2004). Les
enquêtes répétées : une synthèse et quelques
nouveautés. In "Echantillonnage
et méthodes d'enquêtes", Pascal Ardilly (eds.), Dunod,
Sciences Sup, Paris 2004, pp. 148-156.
- Goga, C. (2013). "Using
complex surveys to estimate the L1-median of a functional variable:
Application to electricity load curves",
Proceedings 59th ISI World Statistics Congress, 25-30 August 2013,
Hong Kong (Session STS032), 1715-1720.
- Goga, C. and Ruiz-Gazen, A. (2011). "Nonparametrics
Complex Parameters Estimation in Finite Population. Application to
the Estimation of the Gini Index with Survey Data''. Int.
Statistical Inst., Proceedings of the 58th ISI World Statistics
Congress - Dublin 2011 (Session CPS002), 3853-3858.
- Goga, C., Shehzad, M. A.
and Vanheuverzwyn, A. (2011). "Principal
component regression with survey data. Application on the French
Media Audiance''. Int.
Statistical Inst., Proceedings of the 58th ISI World Statistics
Congress - Dublin 2011 (Session CPS002), 3847-3852.
- Ruiz-Gazen, A., Goga, C. and Deville, J.C. (2008). "Composite
estimation in a two-sample context''. Proceedings
of the Survey Methods Section from the 2008 SSC Annual Meetings.